15:09:39 So here he is, shortly after "robing up". | 15:09:47 Looks rather imposing, don't you think? | 15:10:57 This was on the floor. I feel someone did not aptly follow the instructions. |

15:11:27 Rob and Kate - the umbrella is actually the only real clue here that the weather was a bit dreary - somehow in these pictures it actually looks quite bright. | 16:55:02 After the ceremony, Rob opening the obligatory champagne. | 16:55:23 ...I think I was trying to get an "action shot" here. It seemed prudent for Rob to be wearing his hat for this. |

16:55:35 Well the cork's out now... | 17:04:05 A strong candidate for my favourite picture of the day - Dr Lang carrying off the outfit with his own inimitable style. | 17:16:35 It brightened up for just long enough to get some picture outsides in the traditional place - and there's some pointing! |

17:16:50 Slightly more conventional picture of Dr Lang and his proud (well more relieved than proud I imagine) parents. | 17:18:41 ...again the umbrella giving away the weather conditions a bit here! | 17:18:51 I rather liked this one! |