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11:32:23 Dereham Windmill. | 11:32:49 | 11:33:57 |
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11:49:05 Attempt to take a picture of the maltings in Dereham. | 12:32:10 This is the clock tower in Downham Market. | 12:50:32 A hearty breakfast/lunch at the Downham Cafe. |
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12:50:46 Me and my mushroom omelette. | 13:08:47 I heartily recommend the Downham Cafe if you're ever passing through this way. | 13:47:04 The ever marvellous Ely Cathedral. |
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13:47:12 | 13:47:31 A mobile picture which looks a lot darker. | 13:52:15 |
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13:56:39 Some interior shots of Wly cathedral for which I won't attempt to write commentary... | 13:58:11 | 14:00:55 |
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14:04:05 | 14:04:11 | 14:07:38 |
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14:10:08 I think the restoration of the Lady's Chapel was sponsored by a number of companies / organisations - include British Railways...!? | 14:14:27 | 14:14:33 |
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14:24:13 ...back outside Ely Cathedral again now. | 14:26:32 | 14:26:52 |
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14:28:32 | 14:29:59 | 17:01:14 |
17:01:20 |