11:23:44 The weather looking very pleasant in the morning as I inspected the Cabernet Sauvignon vine. | 11:23:52 Unfortunately this was rather misleading as I thought it meant it would be a lovely day for a stroll along the river. | 11:24:06 | 11:25:26 |
11:25:33 | 12:57:56 The photo I nearly always take from Blackfriars station. The blue sky starting to disappear by this point. | 13:06:37 Quick glimpse of the spectacular interior of the Black Friar while we were ordering. | 13:26:23 We sat outside to eat. It was actually a bit cold and not the nicest spot in London what with all the cars going past. The food wasn't great either. Oh well. |
14:04:04 Chie and Erika on the Millenium Bridge. Quite grey by this point. | 14:04:21 The three of us on the Millenium Bridge, with St Paul's photo bombing us. | 14:08:54 Interesting view of St. Paul's from the other side of the Millenium Bridge. Presumably this was intentional. | 14:12:03 Swans and other waterfowl. |
14:16:40 Chie and Erika on the beach at Bankside. | 14:19:04 Not sure if you can make it out but I was trying to take a picture of bubles floating along just above the water. | 14:20:10 More bubbles - a bit hard to see. | 14:25:28 We paused here for a moment to watch more bubbles being blown, although you can't actually see any bubbles in this picture. |
15:32:52 Headed back to Kentish Town, and I went to the garden centre to get a new pot and some ericaceous compost. | 16:30:41 The newly repotted blueberry bush. | 16:33:31 One of the two blueberries on the bush this year - most were lost on a windy day when the bush was blown over. | 16:33:39 |
16:33:55 | 16:34:22 Frustratingly the weather looks nice again now! | 16:34:36 | 16:39:30 The girls went out for a bit and I had a little relaxation time, reading Oz Clarke's new book on English wine. |
16:39:49 |