Manze's Noted Eeel and Pie House

Saturday 18th September 2010
A visit to Manze's Noted Eel and Pie House on Tower Bridge Road for an early lunch, followed by a stroll about and some shopping in the afternoon.

| | | | 11:15:51 An attempt to take a picture of the rather lovely tiled Victorian interior of the shop, without trying to look too much like a toursit. | 11:25:11 Amazingly, they serve a vegetarian version of the standard meat pie (made with soya mince). Served with mash and liquor (a kind of parsley sauce). Chie had eels, again with parsley sauce. | 11:25:17 Chie and her eels, can see a bit of the lovely tiled and panelled wal behind her. | | | | 11:39:04 Outside the shop. | 11:51:59 Funnily enough I saw this same horse and carriage the day before. | 11:52:06 | | | | 11:53:22 We decided to walk over Tower Bridge after leaving Manze's, as it's always nice. | 11:54:31 | 11:55:59 | | 13:19:35 Chie in Monmouth Coffee on Monmouth Street. |