17:02:07 A bit cloudy on arrival on the heath but it looked clearer in the distance, looking towards the London skyline. | 17:02:14 Zoomed in a bit. | 17:04:49 Parliament Hill. | 17:07:17 |
17:11:59 Sitting at the barrow. | 17:16:35 Same again with fewer people. | 17:27:13 The neighbouring bench didn't stay empty for long. | 17:27:18 The sky started to look interesting at this point so I zoomed in a bit. |
17:43:18 Heading back home over Parliament Hill, more pink sky. | 17:43:35 Zoomed in a bit on the London skyl‌ine - looks like a couple of the buildings are on fire here. | 17:43:59 | 19:29:37 Back at home now watching The Penguins of Madagascar with Erika. |