11:18:39 More cherry blossom - but it snowed a bit today! | 11:18:45 | 11:18:51 | 11:19:08 |
11:19:31 | 11:22:57 Hung up this picture I'd been given by Dad last weekend. | 11:23:10 Looks like there might actually be something sprouting from the strawberry seeds Erika and I planted a couple of weeks ago. | 12:06:27 Erika with her tweed earmuffs in Wahaca. |
13:20:21 Erika and her friend in Wahaca. | 13:20:32 | 13:20:46 | 14:14:10 Erika and her friend on the trampoline at the playground. |
14:14:12 | 14:46:24 Back at home, me having a cup of tea in the back garden while Erika and her friend played indoors. | 17:35:37 Erika trying on the Captain Barnacles suit. | 17:36:20 Just to prove it's Erika. |
17:37:08 Erika as Captain Barnacles again. | 17:37:38 Erika looking at herself in the mirror. | 17:37:43 | 17:43:34 Me and Erika as Captain Barnacles. |