18:04:49 Erika making a potato salad, which she had practiced at school yesterday. It was a vinagrette dressing with mint. Very summery! | 18:18:01 The single rose we got from the rose bush. | 18:18:20 The little citrus tree. | 18:22:04 Raspberries on the way. |
18:22:31 The rose again. | 18:22:57 Inflorescences on the grape vines. | 18:24:20 Erika and her potato salad, finishing off her ramune. | 18:24:23 Tonight's dinner - mozzarella avocado and tomato salad, asparagus, and Erika's potato salad (this was then followed by some fresh pasta). |
20:02:35 Erika watching a Japanese cartoon involving a giant malevolent croissant. |