14:30:20 Clusters all flowering now on the vines. | 14:30:28 | 14:30:39 | 16:55:11 Received a new IceBag today, having accidentally broken the last one whilst trying to break up blocks of ice. |
16:56:36 | 17:58:41 Just the right size for a single bottle. | 20:33:27 A snail had annoyingly climbed up onto this vine leaf - how did it get there? It's about 1.5m off the ground. | 21:16:58 Some Breaky Bottom out in the garden after a rain shower it seems. |
21:47:38 Thought I'd turn the empty bottle into a candle holder. | 21:48:36 | 21:52:49 A plane. Still a fairly infrequent sight in the sky these days. | 22:37:03 |
22:37:17 | 22:37:53 |