12:23:53 Burritos for lunch. | 13:30:40 | 13:30:46 Erika in Camden Sainsbury’s. | 20:20:34 Later on I headed to the heath for an evening stroll. |
20:23:24 | 20:24:57 | 20:25:46 | 20:25:52 |
20:26:58 Nice skies this evening. | 20:27:02 | 20:27:39 | 20:27:45 |
21:39:28 …and here comes the fox. | 21:39:34 | 21:39:38 | 21:39:44 |
21:39:48 | 21:40:23 | 21:40:28 | 21:41:03 |
21:41:50 | 21:41:57 | 21:42:47 | 21:42:51 |
21:43:33 | 22:06:58 |