10:38:45 Very Japanese breakfast today. | 13:51:30 At the street fair, with one of our local friends who was helping out on the ceviche stall. | 13:53:01 Chie and Erika trying some ceviche. | 13:55:34 I thought the band were quite good. Although perhaps a bit too loud for the setting. |
16:28:26 Leafing through the wine list at the local French deli / wine bar. | 16:28:31 | 16:28:36 | 17:31:01 I decided on this bottle of Gevrey Chambertin. |
17:31:43 "At each stage, all our work follows the rythm of the Moon's synodic revolution..." | 17:54:06 | 18:13:05 Dinner, a sort of roast, with mini toad in the hole, roast potatoes (I cheated this time and got ready made ones as mine are always a disappointment), peas and broad beans. |