Regency Cafe and Rasa - London July 2010

Regency Cafe and Rasa

Thursday 1st July 2010

Lunch at the Regency Cafe, dinner at Rasa.

London July 2010

13:43:10 Some of the pictures on the wall of the Regency.13:46:46 Excellent mushroom omelette and chips at the Regency.19:05:38 Promising starter for our "Vegetarian Feast" at Rasa...
19:22:42 20:04:05 ...followed by an extremely disappointing main course.21:28:03 Trying to cheer ourselves up after the very disappointing dinner with a pint in the Guinea.
22:52:36 Back at home, for no good reason here's a few pictures of the Japanese vase I bought whilst on holiday.22:53:22 22:54:10