11:35:07 I dropped some turmeric on the floor and Erika helpfully came and wrote her name in it. | 11:35:12 The tumeric accident. | 11:36:47 The inside of the vacuum cleaner is now tinged yellow. | 14:34:44 The skies were blue this afternoon, so I took a break from work for a bit to get some exercise on the heath. |
14:35:14 | 14:38:45 Still very muddy atop Parliament Hill though. | 14:38:47 | 14:39:20 |
14:39:24 The London skyline. | 14:42:56 The barrow from a distance. | 14:44:23 The view from the barrow. | 14:47:09 |
14:47:14 | 15:03:28 The sun starting to think about setting. | 15:03:48 | 15:09:14 The sun just about to sink behind Parliament Hill as I was heading back. |
15:10:47 | 15:12:20 | 15:12:40 | 15:12:42 |
15:12:59 The bandstand and the London skyline. |