Tweed Jacket - London February 2009

Tweed Jacket

Saturday 7th February 2009

London February 2009

John's Pictures
Maison de Stuff

13:08:42 Tempura in the restaurant underneath the Mitsukoshi department store - which is like a retail version of the Japanese embassy.13:09:04 The waiter took our picture... The tempura here was very good indeed, I would definitely go back.16:59:56 Sunset near Covent Garden.

17:37:11 A night view looking down Whitehall on the bus on the way back.17:37:47 17:37:52

17:38:17 17:38:42 18:52:17 Back at home, some shots trying on the new tweed jacket...

18:52:45 18:54:37 It proved tough to find a scarf which would go with it...18:56:07

18:57:28 19:01:25 Tweed cap plus tweed jacket definitely seemed to be a bridge too far.19:01:29

19:06:30 ...then the difficuly question of which jumper it would go with...19:06:41 19:10:10

19:10:34 19:21:48 ...just to go really over the top, I felt it necessary to have a go with my kilt as well!