Spaniard's Inn - London December 2010

Spaniard's Inn

Sunday 12th December 2010

Sunday lunch at the Spaniard's Inn in Hampstead.

London December 2010

12:08:56 We arrived a bit early so had a wander around Hampstead for a bit first...12:09:08 Some quite nice old signs on the buildings here.12:43:33 A wander across the heath to the Spaniard's Inn.

12:44:17 Me in appropriate country attire on the heath.12:44:28 ....a bit closer up.15:28:50 ...and here we are at the Spaniard's Inn - siting outside rather idiotically.

15:29:01 15:29:30 Ooops I seem to have entirely obscured Chie from view!