14:37:52 Dover. | 14:38:14 | 14:38:31 | 15:22:44 |
15:26:41 | 15:27:18 | 16:12:08 | 16:12:11 |
16:21:26 | 16:21:31 | 16:51:36 | 16:51:43 |
16:51:57 | 18:06:56 Paused here to cook dinner, a sort of Mediterranean risotto. | 18:07:03 | 18:07:17 |
19:42:05 Entering Folkestone. | 19:52:32 Nice sunset as I was approaching Folkestone. | 19:52:35 | 19:53:47 |
19:53:50 | 19:55:51 …and then this double rainbow! | 19:56:29 | 19:56:40 |
19:56:43 | 20:00:20 | 20:00:25 | 20:00:54 |
20:01:01 | 20:05:24 The rainbow framed the lighthouse beautifully. | 20:06:05 | 20:06:40 |
20:08:31 | 20:09:56 | 20:10:35 | 20:11:24 |
20:12:07 | 20:17:07 | 20:20:59 The streets of Folkestone. | 20:38:56 |
20:44:05 | 21:13:11 Wine on the train home. |