11:40:05 Blurry pictures of Erika in her buggy on the way into her centre - wanted to get a shot of her with this flag, but none of them really came out. | 11:40:18 | 11:40:23 | 12:06:47 In Sasuke, the new ramen place in Soho. |
12:08:54 Atsukan. | 12:09:06 Kimchi. | 12:13:53 My ramen - the sweetcorn was a bit off-putting, but other than that this was pretty good. | 12:39:06 Outside of Ramen Sasuke. |
13:23:58 Erika woke up after we left the ramen place, so we went to find somewhere we coule have a coffee whilst feeding her. So here we are in TAP coffee. | 13:24:02 Erika having her lunch. | 13:25:36 My macchiato. Looked better than it tasty - a tad too loose. | 13:25:48 Interesting cake thing. |
13:42:27 Another picture of the interior of TAP coffee. | 14:11:22 Walking down Brewer st. | 14:11:23 | 14:11:25 |
15:05:56 Erika playing in the fountains outside the Royal Academy. | 15:07:22 | 15:16:44 | 15:35:42 She particularly enjoyed it today, as hopefully these pictures demonstrate. |
15:36:21 | 17:09:30 Back at home, I had a bit of time to relax with a Negroni and a copy of Country Life. | 17:11:01 Shocked to find properties under a million in the front page adverts... | 17:19:40 ...oh, that's better. |
17:24:46 | 18:36:31 Bought this tofu earlier at the Japan Centre. It was pretty good. |