Bar Italia and St. James's Park

Saturday 3rd April 2010
Spent most of the morning indoors, and just ventured out towards the end of the afternoon for a pretty non-specific meander through London, including a very good espresso at Bar Italia, and a bit of cherry blossom viewing in St. James's Park.
London April 2010
| | | | 16:40:32 Chie in Bar Italia. | 16:40:56 A very good espresso and a cannoli (?) a kind of Italian sweet. | 18:25:47 Daffodils in St. James's Park. | | | | 18:25:52 | 18:35:55 Chie and some cherry blossom in St. James's Park. | 18:36:02 Cherry blossom always seems to incur a flurry of picture taken. | | | | 18:36:24 Can see Buckingham Palace in the distance here. | 18:36:30 | 18:36:38 | | | | 18:36:41 Same again with Chie's eyes open! | 18:37:20 Taken from a conveniently placed bench (in Japan you would have had to fight for this bench!). | 18:42:12 Some ducks playing amongst the cherry blossom. | | 23:23:05 Back at home, me looking a bit tired out. |