12:16:18 This is Colin, my Nabaztag, informing me that the Internet is broken. | 14:51:39 A rather nice fountain in Russell Square Gardens. | 14:52:17 ...from another angle. |

14:57:34 Seemed like they missed a trick here - why not the Horsepital? | 15:15:11 I've always wanted my very own mews. | 15:16:26 ...and indeed a street to go with it. |

15:17:13 Thought I would note this pub - the King's Arms - for future reference. | 15:36:27 Mmmmmm a nice refreshing glass of crisp beer. | 15:47:00 A rather naff mobile picture of the back bar of the Cittie of Yorke. |

15:52:49 A slightly less naff picture of the outside of Ye Old Mitre, which was closed today. | 15:54:41 I love the frontage of St. Etheldreda's Church, the way it nestles between the houses so unassumingly on Ely Place. | 15:55:50 I noticed this engraving in one of the flagstones on Ely Place. |

17:23:09 In the entrance to the SMWS. | 18:02:27 Took a picture of this for later reference - the Kuniyoshi exhibition. | 18:04:57 ...and also rwanted to emember this restaurant oddly. |

18:09:29 The Royal Arcade, looking rather splendid. | 18:21:19 Berry Brothers and Rudd. | 18:22:14 St. James's Palace, |

18:24:42 Near St. James's Palace, some rather nice blossom. | 18:25:20 ...although the colours don't come out so well on my mobile. | 18:29:41 The gardens near Buckingham Palace. |

18:30:44 ...and again. | 18:31:03 There's Buckingham Palace. | 21:11:47 Back at home - Lego! |

21:43:35 Here's me building the Pirates Lego. | 21:44:06 Jolly good fun this. Arrrr! etc. | 21:44:09 Quite busy here. |