11:47:32 This here is a pigeon which apparently thinks it is a duck. | 11:57:26 One of the gateways to the inner circle of Regent's Park. | 11:59:09 Nice blossoms out... (although this picture is from my mobile so not so great) |

12:00:48 ...a bit of a close-up. | 12:02:28 Pictures from here on are with my proper camera. This is me under one of the blossoms in my much loved tweed jacket. It's one of those pictures I anticipate looking back on in 10 years time with utter embarassment - "that jacket seemed like such a good idea at the time". | 12:02:53 Quite nicely focused picture of some blossom here - looked very like cherry blossom to me. |

12:04:30 ...another interesting blossom on another tree. | 12:05:01 Are those turtles there...? | 12:06:27 Nice "Japanese" bridge and a weeping willow. |

12:19:42 A host of daffodils. | 12:20:25 Some heather and more daffodils. | 12:42:03 This here is Abbey Road, not quite the famous zebra crossing... |

12:42:47 ....I think it is in fact this one. Although maybe the picture on the album cover is taken facing the other way. | 12:43:11 On the walls outside the Abbey Road studio, lots of Beatles related graffiti. | 12:44:13 ...and more here. |

13:08:11 In a nice little neighbourhood pub near Abbey Road - The Clifton - and this mirror with the enscription "Assirati's Temperance Bar" caught my eye. |