Chelsea Physic Garden - London April 2007

Chelsea Physic Garden

Friday 27th April 2007

Chie and Mum spent the afternoon at the Chelsea Physic Garden.

London April 2007

15:21:43 Pictures in the Chelsea Physic Garden - I wasn't there so can't say much about these pictures...!15:21:49 15:34:04 Apparently this had a very lemony scent.

15:34:16 15:38:41 Chie liked the signs because of the poisonous warning symbols - it looks like they're opium poppies.15:53:16 Eriobotrya Japonica - or Biwa in Japanese.

15:53:21 This is the actual Biwa fruit (which we recently saw on sale in Harrod's).15:53:37 Mum looking like she"s quite enjoying herself.16:05:18 A ladybird.

16:22:11 Strangely looks like a sort of puppet show.16:25:45 Nice climbing plant here.