08:53:01 Breakfast, with some fried tofu from Kyushi. | 13:11:16 Lunch -cha han (fried rice). | 14:53:18 Hiroshima Castle. | 14:54:48 |
14:55:20 | 15:14:36 Me trying on the Samurai outfit (or at least some of it). | 15:39:05 The view from the top of Hiroshima Castle. | 15:39:15 |
16:54:33 In Soleil, the big shopping centre in Hiroshima, a shop combining two different Japanese chains - Mister Donut and Mos Burger. | 19:01:59 Some Veuve Clicquot just for the hell of it. | 19:32:32 Nabe for dinner. | 21:50:54 In the bar at the Sheraton Hotel. |
22:17:54 I rather like this picture of me, with a drink which is an approximation of an Aviation. | 22:19:52 Chie and her Mum. |