First Day in Japan
Sunday 18th September 2011
Landed in Tokyo in the morning. Afternoon at a beer festival near Yokohama with Tanaka-san, and then dinner at a macrobiotic izakaya in Omtesando with Miyuki-san.
Japan September 2011
John's Pictures

A bit of an odd series of pictures to start on - this insect was impressively stuck to the window of the train between Shinjuku and Yokohama, but unfortunately it was a bit difficult to get my camera to focus on it.

Two more attempts to take a picture of the very persistent insect.

...note how it had turned upside down after the doors opening and closing at one of the stations we stopped at.

Tanaka-san at the beer festival he and I went to this afternoon, somewhere near Yokohama.

...and here's me at the beer festival. My camera really seemed to be struggling with brightness today - I think perhaps the lens got damp as a result of the humidity, which caused all these slightly surreal pictures.

Outside the building where the beer festival was.

Tanaka-san and a speed boat.

We rounded off the afternoon with a quick visit to an izakaya near Sakuragicho - I had a craving for a proper "joki" of beer.


Later on in the evening, after meeting up with Chie and her friend Miyuki-san, I spotted this tomato themed restaurant/shop around Omotesando.

...which was nearby Gaya, a macrobiotic izakaya where we had dinner. Here's the otoshi (kind of an amuse bouche). Note tbe micro tomato. We also had fun figuring out which of the leaves on this dish were edible.

20:17:11 up a vegetarian simulation of "kaki furai" (fried oysters) - a wheat gluten based mock oyster covered in bread crumbs and deep fried. The sticks there are a kind of pickled ginger. This was very good.