Hiroshima September 2006

Shinkansen - Hiroshima September 2006


Friday 22nd September 2006

Friday night on the shinkansen on the way to Hiroshima.

> Maison de Stuff
> John
> John's Pictures
> Hiroshima September 2006

21:31:11 Me and Yuka holding up whatever random objects came to hand.

21:32:05 Chie and Yuka pretending to have phone conversations - not really sure why.

21:35:05 As we were passing through Kyoto I wanted to get a picture of the sign strangely...

21:35:13 ...but it didn't really work out, and instead we're left with this slightly odd picture of Chie. Actually you can see part of the sign in the top right hand corner of this shot, but you'll just have to trust me on the fact that it is actually Kyoto.

21:36:41 Words like "frightening" and "unnecessary" spring to mind.

22:29:44 Chie drinking Ozeki One Cup - a 180ML container of sake, usually the drink of choice for old men in Japan.

22:30:08 Me and my One Cup.

00:21:13 After arriving in Hiroshima, Chie and I were still hungry, so we popped out for a late night burger at The Shack. I feel compelled to point out it was entirely vegetarian (made from tofu).

00:21:34 Beer, burger and fries - an excellent combination.

00:21:44 Chie digging into her burger - good lass!