09:25:22 Erika making pancakes for breakfast. | 10:47:28 The aviation museum. | 10:48:58 | 10:50:51 |
10:51:55 | 10:53:24 | 10:56:59 | 10:57:07 |
10:58:56 | 10:58:58 | 11:18:42 | 11:20:15 |
11:24:36 | 11:24:48 | 11:24:55 | 11:25:59 |
11:26:40 | 11:33:12 | 11:46:19 | 13:10:53 Back to Mum’s for Sunday lunch. |
13:11:12 | 13:39:32 | 15:10:37 | 16:01:30 Back to London. |
16:01:48 | 16:41:38 | 16:41:47 | 16:41:53 |
16:56:11 | 16:59:00 | 17:20:16 | 17:20:24 |
17:20:51 | 17:20:57 | 17:25:55 | 17:27:43 |
18:57:53 Met Benoit and Andrew at Ye Old Cheshire Cheese in the evening. | 18:58:03 | 18:58:50 | 19:11:00 |