09:34:13 Jess. | 09:37:40 Erika out in the garden in her pyjamas. | 11:36:28 Erika and Vera. | 12:40:27 Erika pushing Vera in the wheelchair (which she only uses when she comes to visit Dad). |
12:43:40 | 12:55:18 Vera, Erika and Chie sitting by the sea having a pasty. | 12:55:24 Erika seemed to like her pasty. | 13:01:31 Me with a pasty and a pint. |
13:01:59 Dad by the sea. | 13:03:38 | 13:10:29 I got some cheesy chips from the pub as a second course to lunch. | 13:26:09 Chie and Erika walking along the beach. |
13:31:03 The ferry. | 13:31:56 | 13:45:37 At the beach round the other side, a bit better suited for making sand castles. | 13:45:41 This was a good joint effort between me, Dad and Erika - three generations of Hawkinses at work! |
13:45:46 | 14:09:51 The tide reaching the moat now. | 14:10:51 | 14:11:44 |
14:24:31 | 14:24:37 | 14:24:41 | 14:25:50 Very satisfying! |
14:25:54 | 14:26:00 | 14:26:06 | 14:28:14 |
14:28:17 | 14:30:05 | 14:31:01 | 14:50:00 Having an ice cream after our bout of construction work. |
14:53:35 | 16:27:50 Later on back at Dad's house. |