11:33:58 Chie in the rather grand lounge in our holiday flat. | 11:48:17 Walking down the gangplank to get on the boat that would take us up the river. | 11:56:25 On the boat now. |

12:04:38 Can see the steam train in the background here. | 12:05:06 ...slightly clearer here. | 12:05:18 There follow lots of boaty type pictures for which I'll struggle to find comments! |

12:06:06 There's the train disappearing out of view. | 12:10:22 Nice old shipbuilder's premises. | 12:10:35 Chie on the boat. |

12:11:51 Apparently this is a rival ferry, and the chap doing the commentary on our boat asked us not to wave. | 12:24:34 Heading up the Dart. | 12:27:30 ....hmmm well the views look a bit bland in these pictures - probably at least partly because of the grey weather - but you'll have to take my word for it that it seemed much nicer than this at the time! |

12:48:45 Looking at some of the Sharpham estate's vineyards here - which we'd be visiting later in the week. | 12:48:50 Chie enjoying the view. | 12:59:05 A large flock of Canadian geese on the riverbank. |

13:14:39 Robin and Robert waiting for us on the quayside at Totnes. | 13:14:43 | 13:14:46 |

13:14:51 | 13:46:23 In Totnes now. I thought I'd take a picture of this rather attractive example of a corner pub, but didn't actually go in. | 13:46:34 Looking up the main road in Totnes. |

14:16:15 This was my lunch - a sort of all day vegetarian breakfast. It came with a slice of halloumi which I thought was a nice touch. | 14:52:20 A nice little courtyard in Totnes. | 14:54:24 More nice old buildings. |

14:59:54 Lovely old door to the guildhall. | 15:00:01 The church in Totnes. | 15:32:16 This bric-a-brac shop had a light aircraft in the garden beside it. |

19:57:07 Back at the flat that evening - Chie and I made dinner - here are the insalata tricolore starters, although I neglected to take a picture of our main course. |