13:41:27 In Dartmouth, one of many pictures taken this holiday looking across the water to Kingswear. | 15:49:55 The little marina (is that the right word for it) in the centre of Dartmouth. | 15:50:07 |

16:25:24 Dartmouth police station - note the flower pots! | 16:25:30 ....and there's a close-up just in case. | 16:31:05 Out for a wander around the town, I particularly liked this pink cottage here. |

16:31:21 Chie - and as you can see the weather wasn't at its best. | 16:31:24 A dog that I couldn't quite get in shot properly. | 16:34:38 A few pictures inside the lovely old church in Dartmouth. |

16:34:52 | 16:36:00 Close up on the painted screen which is apparently quite ancient and something of a rarity. | 16:41:12 More olde worlde buildings around Dartmouth. |

16:43:01 The Cherub Inn - visited later in the week, this is a fantastic pub. | 16:43:29 The side of the Cherub. | 16:49:26 Views over Dartmouth on the way to the castle... |

16:49:38 | 16:56:39 | 17:02:02 |

17:06:05 | 17:06:16 | 17:09:40 |

17:16:51 Some wild strawberries. | 17:26:04 The church by the castle. | 17:26:09 |

17:26:58 Slightly exotic looking little cove by the castle. | 17:48:55 A bit of the castle and over the water to the other tower - apparently there used to be chains ran between the two to protect the entrance to the harbour. | 17:50:11 |

17:50:19 The sea looks quite blue now! | 17:55:56 View back to the castle from the little jetty where the ferry back to the centre of Dartmouth goes from. | 17:56:07 ....there's the sign to prove it! |

17:56:30 A handprint in the concrete. | 17:56:45 Looking back towards Dartmouth. | 18:56:13 I've always been a fan of these sorts of shots with lots of sky and a little bit of land and sea at the bottom. |

18:56:33 ...it's at least interesting, wouldn't you agree! Gives a very different sense of space... or something. | 20:35:20 Later on, back at the flat - here's the view from the lounge... | 20:35:35 ....and again trying not to get the road/cars in shot! |