12:12:58 Chie and Yuka waiting at Clapham Junction, where we changed trains en route to Hampton Court. | 12:46:09 I rather liked this multi-lingual sign at Hampton Court station. | 12:59:52 Here we are at the entrance to Hampton Court Palace, and as you can see it was a rather wet and gloomy day! |

13:04:04 ...in the Clock Court here. | 13:21:13 Photography wasn't allowed in most of the rooms of the palace, but there didn't seem to be any signs in the rather elaborately decorated stairwell, so I thought I'd get in a couple of sneaky pictures. | 13:21:23 ...more of that mural. Quite nice. |

14:09:06 The stair well in amongst the "grace and favour" apartments - one of which was opened up for an exhibition. | 14:11:36 This here is fountain court, somewhat evidently. | 14:13:10 ...same thing again from another angle. |

14:25:28 ...on the way to the Tudor Kitchens we saw these two minstrels wandering through one of the palace's many passageways. | 14:33:49 In the Tudor kitchens. | 14:35:17 ....I think these were actually real cabbages. |

14:37:00 In front of the big log fire - although Chie and Yuka are obscuring it here so it rather misses the point! | 14:37:58 ...through one of the serving hatches into the kitchen. | 14:45:38 Me in the wine cellars... |

14:45:59 ....and again. A bit dark, but hopefully you can at least make out the barrels. I'm a big fan of barrels. | 14:54:50 I don't know why I saw fit to take a picture of this piece of guttering! | 15:08:28 Out in the formal gardens now - either Chie or Yuka commented that these trees look like "kinoko no yama" a Japanese chocolately snack made to look like pointy mushrooms. Err. |

15:10:49 More of the formal gardens - shame about the weather, at least it wasn't raining at this point! | 15:13:56 Nice picture (apart from the overcast sky) of the girls in front of the palace. | 15:16:53 Lavender... |

15:17:06 A bit of an attempt at some form of arty shot. Hmmm. | 15:18:25 I liked these little trees. | 15:21:04 Had these been a bit bigger there would have been some oggy raiding going on here. |

15:21:39 A trellis tunnel. | 15:25:39 Another apple tree. | 15:27:35 Yet more gardens. |

15:31:28 Chie's Dad beneath the Wisteria. | 15:32:16 The Great Vine - rather impressively growing since the 1700s. | 15:32:25 ...and complete with a Guinness record! |

15:35:07 More fine examples of formal gardening. | 15:36:24 ...and an orange tree! | 15:57:17 ...whilst here we of course had to have a go at the maze - and it was reassuringly quite manageable. |

15:57:36 ...another picture of us at the centre. | 19:13:06 Back at the flat now, and I'm making dinner - note the apron here! | 19:13:13 Cutting up garlic I believe. |

19:13:22 ....and again. | 20:19:20 ...here's the lasagne busily cooking away in the oven. | 20:20:07 Chie and her Mum checking the oven. |