14:44:54 Laundress Lane - No Thoroughfare For Carriages Or Horses. 24th March 1857. This sign apparently captured my imagination somewhat. | 14:54:58 The back entrance to King's College. | 14:55:37 I wasn't aware that ducks ate parsnips. |

14:55:46 Chie in the grounds of King's College. Hopefully you can get a good feel for how awful the weather was here. | 14:57:16 So there's King's College (and a bit of Clare's?) from across the Cam. | 14:57:29 A couple being punted along. |

14:57:47 King's and Clare's and a tree. | 14:58:30 Nice old building - I think this is student accomodation. Lucky so and sos. | 14:58:46 Chie and King's. |

14:59:03 Me and King's. | 15:00:39 More of King's College... | 15:00:44 ...and again... |

15:02:59 ...and this is the other entrance. | 15:06:19 The Rainbow Cafe - I'd heard about this place from Tom. | 15:23:17 Chie and her distinctly Indonesian dish. |

15:23:22 My latvian potato bake. | 16:05:11 More collegey type buildings which will highlight my ignorance about Cambridge... | 16:08:24 ....not really the best light for this sort of thing. |

16:13:02 An interestingly illuminate street. | 16:16:41 The place where we'd be getting on a punt the next morning. | 16:18:03 Chie like the way the door leaned here. |

17:41:34 The lift in our hotel. | 11:11:59 Next morning, after breakfast, we took another stroll through Cambridge to go and find a punt, and walked past a many of the same buildings we'd seen the previous day. | 11:12:17 The post office. |

11:15:12 I rather like this one. | 11:17:02 Nice. | 11:39:47 Here is the start of our little punting adventure. Not sure if you can really tell, but it is already raining quite hard by this point. |

11:43:57 On the cam - spot the duck. | 11:44:20 Other punters on the river (there weren't that many!). | 11:45:21 ...there follow lots of views of colleges etc from our punt which I'm not going to be able to write comments for... |

11:46:12 Felt very like Venice here! | 11:46:36 Is this the Bridge of Sighs? Or am I getting confused with Oxford? | 11:47:25 Our boatman doing a great job of it despite the rain. |

11:47:47 Can see a corner of the umbrella here. | 11:47:51 | 11:48:06 ...under the bridge... |

11:50:09 | 11:50:32 | 11:52:27 |

11:53:01 | 11:58:30 King's college again. | 12:00:45 |

12:00:49 | 12:00:54 | 12:04:36 Coming towards the end of our punt now - there's the mathemtical bridge. |

12:05:23 | 12:05:39 ...which it seems you can actually still walk over. | 13:12:47 Later on that day, and we've now left Cambridge and headed on to Ely. Here's an interesting duck / goose. |

13:17:41 There's the imposing Ely Cathedral on the hill. | 13:20:25 One of the gatehouses of Ely Cathedral. | 13:24:18 A look at the great spires of the cathedral. |

13:24:35 ....and the other end. | 13:28:58 Inside now. I wasn't sure if I was actually allowed to take pictures so I just got a couple of stealthy ones... | 13:30:10 ....but hopefully you can get an idea of the magnificence of this place from this. |

13:40:28 Chie having a light lunch in the refectory. | 13:47:38 Me queuing up for a top-up of hot water in our teapot! |