09:42:01 Just after checking out of our hotel in the morning (can see the hotel in the background). | 09:44:07 A random church on the way to the station. | 10:15:09 This is Brussels Central station - both Chie and I said it reminded us of Penn station in New York. |

10:18:23 Me on the little connecting train from Brussels Central station to Brussels Midi. Apparently I am filled with a kind of child like excitement at the prospect of going on a train journey in another country! | 10:18:27 Checking the tickets... | 10:18:35 ...and a pointless picture taken out of the window. |

10:19:33 Detendez-vous, les pieds en dessous! | 10:32:25 So here we are in Brussels Midi now, and this is the train that was going to take us to Aachen (although it wasn't leaving for another half an hour). | 10:34:23 More dencha otaku shashin (train nerd photos). |

10:39:01 I regret the exceptionally nerdy tone these pictures are taking, but I cant help but enjoy when you find these public information displays with giveaway errors on them. Get your subscripts back in range, Brussels! | 12:50:12 Just before arriving in Aachen, having just gone over the Belgian / German border, here's yet another "Welcome to..." message to add the collection. | 12:54:26 So here we are in Aachen now. |

12:59:35 Outside Aachen Hauptbahnhof. | 13:13:34 That would be Aachen cathedral. | 13:16:03 Can't remember what this building is. |

13:19:02 A golden teapot adorning the corner of a building in one of Aachen's charming cobbled streets. | 13:20:28 I loved this little Oldey Worldey building on the corner of the main square - I believe it is called the Ratskeller. | 13:22:20 The Town Hall. |

13:22:27 Across the market square. | 13:25:57 Looking back to the cathedral from inside the town hall. | 13:28:46 Another view of the cathedral from inside the town hall. |

13:29:15 Nice mural inside the town hall. | 13:29:24 Arched window. | 13:29:58 Lovely vaulted ceilings in this main chamber of the town hall. |

13:30:10 ...more of the same. | 13:31:24 ...and again. | 13:36:39 Here's Chie doing an impression of Emperor Charlemagne. |

13:36:55 Charlemagne up close. | 13:39:08 Me in that arched window. | 13:39:10 Chie clearly seemed very determined to get this right! |

13:39:14 ...and again.... | 13:39:15 ..and again... | 13:43:16 Nice little gargoyles on the outside of the hotel. |

13:58:40 Our hotel for the night. | 14:12:52 Our hotel room - not sure if these pictures really do it justice, it was very nice indeed. | 14:13:09 Always hard to take pictures of hotel rooms! |

14:13:19 |