04:53:18 I woke up ridiculously early to see if I could catch the sunrise. Alas a bit cloudy by this point. | 05:00:55 I took a load of photos anyway. | 05:01:00 | 05:04:07 |
05:06:23 | 05:06:27 | 05:07:22 | 05:07:54 |
05:07:59 | 05:08:50 | 05:08:56 | 05:09:11 Well you get the basic idea. |
05:09:33 | 05:11:50 | 05:11:54 | 05:19:10 |
05:19:12 | 05:21:15 I decided to change the flag. | 05:21:22 | 05:23:06 I went back to bed for a couple of hours after this. |
10:38:52 Up again now, and I persuaded the girls to walk into Hay On Wye. Here we are leaving the tower. | 10:38:57 Doesn't it look pretty there? | 10:44:59 On the track heading into town. It's quite a pleasant walk, but I think Erika was glad of me offering to jog back and get the car after we'd finished in Hay on Wye. | 10:45:02 |
10:51:39 | 10:52:19 | 11:05:24 | 11:06:21 Crossing a stream. |
11:16:31 Pretty cottage in Hay. | 11:44:33 In the grounds of the castle. | 11:44:34 | 12:13:36 Here I am heading back to the tower to pick up the car and go get the girls. |
12:14:58 | 14:02:05 Lunch with Robin and Robert at a pub somewhere roughly half way between Abergavenny and Hay. | 14:02:20 Actually this is a slightly nicer angle I think. | 16:00:53 As it was very near to the pub, after lunch Robin and Robert suggested we take a wander around Tretower. |
16:10:02 Good to keep going on the weekend's tower theme! | 16:12:53 | 16:13:45 | 16:15:05 |
16:18:41 | 16:30:12 | 16:30:14 | 16:49:10 Inside the house now, in the banquet hall. |
16:49:14 | 16:57:36 Joining Robin on his bench where he sat and waited while we were having a tour. | 16:57:51 | 18:31:16 Back at the tower now, and we decided to change the flag once again. |
18:31:19 | 18:31:44 | 18:55:18 That nicely framed view from the lounge again. | 19:59:05 Some ESW I had brought along with me and the English flag. |
19:59:07 | 19:59:28 | 20:02:19 | 20:11:12 That oak tree getting in the way of the sunset again. |
20:18:45 | 20:53:34 Trying to get a sunset photo of some ESW but the oak tree making it difficult. | 20:54:09 Can just about see the sun here. | 20:54:23 |
20:56:06 | 20:56:21 | 20:57:40 | 20:58:15 |
20:58:30 | 21:04:30 The sun has just disappeared behind the hills. | 21:04:38 | 22:48:23 The moon again. |
23:11:58 Trying to do more night photography but something went wrong here. | 23:15:50 | 23:16:42 Slightly better but not very clear. | 23:20:49 The accompanying video my phone takes now. |