15:18:48 Bardsey's black sheep. Well actually theres probably more than one, but its
kind of hard to get them all standing still long enough to check.
| 15:30:20 The cove where we go swimming, and the starting point
for a fishing expedition.
| 15:58:44 Nick clambers among rocks looking for likely rockpools.
| 16:08:38 Bingo! A shrimp.
16:33:30 Nick waits patiently for another.
| 16:35:25 The Llyn peninsula as taken from the rocks.
| 17:06:55 Good thing about fishing nets is they're also good for butterflies...
| 17:07:07 The butterfly again just before we let him go about his business.
17:16:34 A butterfly in the hand is worth two, errrr, never mind.
| 20:26:20 A beetle spotted on a walk up the mountain after dinner.
| 20:45:23 Nick and Janie admire the sunset from atop the mountain.
| 20:51:10 That sunset again.
20:57:47 And again.
| 21:02:46 Looks like some shepherd's delight is in order.
| 21:06:31 Me and the sunset.
| 21:57:07 Last picture before we go back down the mountain, its got pretty dark
by this point.
23:25:45 Erm, Bardsey by night?